Maryensztadt (PL)
Maryensztadt is one of the TOP brands of craft breweries in Poland. In 2015 we have founded our own brewery located in Zwoleń, a small town near Warsaw. Nowadays in our offer you can find about 20 beers, from these based on classic recipes like Weizen, Pilsner or APA to those which are a result of our experiments like Imperial/Double versions of: IPA, Stouts, Porters or beers with some extras.
Our beers gain in international beer competition. Today, we have 22 medals, which means that we are the most successful Polish craft brewery on the international stage. We also believe that great attention must be paid to the labels, which we polish up for each of our products. So the labels pattern is very consistent and stands up on the market shelves. On each label there is a Warsaw architecture element connected with a beer style. There are also a practical information about the beer serving temperature, recommended glass and the type of food which blends well with a beer. The last thing combines with the idea of food pairing which we strongly support. In our opinion the craft beer should be perceived as wine is. It is a great beverage for degustation and a good food mate.
Today, our beer we distribute in Switzerland, Italy and Germany.