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- KRAFT BEER FESTIVAL 2024 REMATCH - Ha elriasztott a KRAFT 2024 sörfesztivál alatt végig zuhogó eső és hideg idő, akkor itt a lehetőség lekóstolni a söröket. Ha ott voltál, és jól esett, akkor idézd fel a hangulatot!

Beer Filter

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Ton Up | Thrills (CZ) | 0,5L - 5,8%

In stock
€8.88 €7.56

Chill'n'sour | Thrills (CZ) | 0,5L - 4,2%

In stock
€8.75 €7.43

Fest Coast | Thrills (CZ) | 0,5L - 5%

In stock
€8.88 €7.56

Friday Little Monday | Thrills (CZ) | 0,5L - 5,2%

In stock
€9.89 €8.42

Grindhouse Movie Night | Sudden Death (GER) | 0,44L - 7%

In stock
€9.64 €8.19

Lode Of Gold | Sudden Death (GER) | 0,44L - 7,7%

In stock
€9.77 €8.29

Six One Nine | Sudden Death (GER) | 0,44L - 5,5%

In stock
€10.02 €8.52

Fuzzy Van Trip | Sudden Death (GER) | 0,44L - 6,3%

In stock
€9.64 €8.19

24 - Kiwi Lime Mint Sour | OneTwo (RO) | 0,44L - 5%

In stock
€7.99 €6.80

45 - Raspberry Mint Vanilla Sour | OneTwo (RO) | 0,44L - 5%

In stock
€7.99 €6.80

Pu Erh Me Another One! | OneTwo (RO) | 0,44L - 5%

In stock
€8.62 €7.33

Calamansi Gose | OneTwo (RO) | 0,44L - 4%

In stock
€8.62 €7.33

04 - Mango Habanero Sour | OneTwo (RO) | 0,44L - 5,5%

In stock
€7.99 €6.80

47 - West Coast IPA w/ Tarhon | OneTwo (RO) | 0,44L - 5%

In stock
€7.99 €6.80

Amour Sweetheart | Nurme (LVA) | 0,44L - 6%

In stock
€7.86 €6.70

Crimson Horizon | Nurme (LVA) | 0,44L - 6,5%

In stock
€7.48 €6.37

Limbo Dragonheart | Nurme (LVA) | 0,44L - 7,5%

In stock
€8.24 €7.00

Loopy | Nurme (LVA) | 0,44L - 8%

In stock
€7.99 €6.80

Sąsiedzkie | Nepo (PL) | 0,5L - 6,3%

In stock
€7.48 €6.37

Crazy Lines #58: Elani | Nepo (PL) | 0,5L - 7,1%

In stock
€7.48 €6.37

Crazy Lines #56: Sabro vs. Talus | Nepo (PL) | 0,5L - 7%

In stock
€7.23 €6.14

Smoothie Bowl: Black Parrot | Nepo (PL) | 0,5L - 5,3%

Last 1 pcs in stock
€7.23 €6.14

Open Craft 2024 | Nepo (PL) | 0,5L - 5,3%

In stock
€7.48 €6.37

Hopsperiment #18 - IPA | Meltum (BG) | 0,5L - 6%

In stock
€7.36 €6.27

Love4IPA | Meltum (BG) | 0,5L - 5,7%

In stock
€7.61 €6.47

Mr. Hops DIPA / Г-н Хопс DIPA | Meltum (BG) | 0,5L - 7,5%

In stock
€6.98 €5.94

Efzet | Firstep (SK) | 0,5L - 5,2%

In stock
€9.77 €8.29

Carcharias | Firstep (SK) | 0,5L - 7,2%

In stock
€9.38 €7.99

Westenküsten | Firstep (SK) | 0,5L - 5%

In stock
€7.74 €6.57

Loss | Firstep (SK) | 0,5L - 6,3%

In stock
€9.38 €7.99

8th AB - Crate Digger | Dogma (SRB) | 0,5L - 4,5%

In stock
€9.64 €8.19

8th AB - Lost in a hop field | Dogma (SRB) x Crow (SRB) | 0,5L - 8%

In stock
€9.89 €8.42

8th AB - Slide Ride | Dogma (SRB) | 0,5L - 6%

In stock
€9.64 €8.19